Watch Dogs: Faction Details and New Screenshots

Последнее обновление: 25 мая 2014 г.

Watch Dogs screenshot 7

We’re hearing Watch Dogs information from all sides, so today we’ve got a mix for you: more leaked screenshots, but also official information from the Ubisoft blog.

The latest leak comes from a Reddit user who rented the game for the PS4 and uploaded a set of twelve screenshots. Cars, explosions, NPC information, and more are all featured in these images, and one even appears to show one of the mini-games that startled us when we first caught a glimpse of it in a trailer.

Watch Dogs screenshot 6

Meanwhile, Ubisoft has provided new information about the factions in the city. You’ll have to deal with DedSec, the Black Viceroys (whom you may remember from a character reveal earlier this month), and the Blume Corporation.

DedSec is made up of hackers who sabotage the Central Operating System in an attempt to prove to people that having your entire city controlled by a single system is a bad idea. Aiden could use DedSec’s help, but since he doesn’t actually plan to help them, they don’t all trust him.

The Black Viceroys a gang. Their leader is gathering information, and since Aiden wants that information, he’s going to have to get their attention, and we don’t think it’ll lead to a polite conversation over afternoon tea.

Finally, there’s the Blume Corporation, which isn’t necessarily evil, but since it has its own hired mercenaries and is gathering personal data about people in the city, maybe something darker is going on behind the scenes.

Ubisoft describes DedSec and Blume as being “rather gray” on the morality scale, which might set up the Black Viceroys for more of a straight-up villainous role.

Share your thoughts on these three factions in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out the rest of the leaked screenshots.