Amazon Xbox 360 to Xbox One game trade-up program

Última atualização: 20 de agosto de 2013


We know the feeling. You don’t want to pony up for a brand new Xbox One console just yet, but still want to play new games on your Xbox 360. Fine. But what then if the Xbox One becomes irresistible and you have to get one. What do you do with all your new Xbox 360 games that could have been Xbox One games!? Swap them for a $10 fee of course!

GameStop has already announced it’s Xbox 360 for Xbox One game trade-in program and Amazon has just revealed that it is going to be doing the same thing. Full terms and conditions are here, but basically prior to December 31 2013 you’ll be able to trade any eligible Xbox 360 game in for $25 plus another bonus $25 that comes by way of this promotion. That leaves you with only $10 to make up to grab the Xbox One version.

The supported games are as follows: Battlefield 4, Need for Speed: Rivals, Madden NFL 25, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA 14, Watch Dogs, NBA 2K14 and Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag.