Rank: Warmaster Cheaty na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 21 kwietnia 2023

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Rank: Warmaster
  • Kategoria: Główna gra
  • Po raz pierwszy wydany: Nov 30, 2022
  • Gatunki: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Simulator, Strategy, Indie
  • Tematy: Action, Science fiction, Warfare, 4X (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate)

Have you ever played a 4X game and wanted to experience more complex battles? Have you ever played an RTS and wanted meaningful exploration beyond the battle map? Have you ever played a Space Simulator and wanted more purpose than grinding for a better ship? Do you want a strategy game where your choices have consequences and defeat is always a possibility? For space game fans tired of the limited game play of singular genres we present Rank: Warmaster! With more depth than a 4X, broader exploration than an RTS, and more purpose than a Space Simulator Rank: Warmaster combines the best aspects of all three genres into a smooth blend to create a unique experience. If you've ever wished for a true multi-genre space game where you can take on any role from the commander of an empire down to the pilot of a singular ship, and to switch between them at any time, then Rank: Warmaster is the game for you!

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