Titanfall Cheats on Xbox One (X1)

Last Updated: June 8, 2024
  • First Released: Mar 10, 2014
  • Genres: Shooter
  • Platforms: Xbox 360,PC,Xbox One
  • Developer: Respawn Entertainment,Bluepoint Games
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Ratings: PEGI 16, ESRB M

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Sniping Cheat


In maps like "Here be Dragons" or "Angel City", you can eject from your Titan and land on a high-line sniping spot (if you have the Longbow DMR Sniper). Like on Here be Dragons, you can auto eject and land on the cliffs/rocky points. In Angel City, you can land and wall run the skyscrapers or titans.

Boba Fett Helmet

Easter Eggs

One of the helmets worn by Titanfall Pilots was inspired by the helmet worn by Boba Fett, the bounty hunter in Star Wars.

Titanfall Fan Artist

Easter Eggs

On the Angel City map, you can find a poster that says "How Bout Apple Juice" and "KODAI," which refers to a Titanfall fan artist.

How to Hang Off Walls


Whlist you\'re wall running (running along a wall) press and hold the left trigger (LT).

This will cause your player to get out a knife and thrust it into the wall, with your player then hanging off the wall from that position.

Unlockable Classes


Although all three default classes of Titans, with preset loadouts, are available from the start of the game, you must unlock the ability to customize them.

  • Atlas - Reach rank 10
  • Stryder - Finish either the IMC or the Militia campaign.
  • Ogre - Finish both the IMC and Militia campaigns.

Weapon Mods


Use weapon mods to make your weapons more powerful.

  • AOG - Gives the weapon a 2.4x sight
  • Afterburners - Makes rockets faster
  • Burst Fire - Gives the weapon three-round bursts
  • Capacitor - Increases the damage dealt
  • Counterweight - Increases the weapon's accuracy while navigating
  • Enhanced Targeting - Allows you to lock on to targets easier
  • Extended Magazine - Increases the capacity
  • Fast Reload - Lowers reload time
  • High-Capacity Drum - Increases the capacity of each magazine
  • Holosight - Gives the weapon a 2.1x zoom
  • Instant Shot - Eliminates build up
  • Iron Sights - Gives you a scope or sight
  • Match Trigger - Ignores the weapon's fire rate
  • Mine Field - Allows you to plant grenades in the ground
  • Quick Shot - Shots will charge up quicker
  • Rapid Fire - Increases the rate of fire
  • Recoil Compensator - Reduces the recoil
  • Scatterfire - Increases the rate of fire
  • Slammer - Makes a rodeo attack more powerful
  • Stabilizer - The grip will be stabilized when you use the scope
  • Suppressor - Makes the gunfire quieter

Choosing Kits, Class and Weapons


  • Choose your Titan's weapons carefully. For new players, the XO-16 Chaingun is a good choice. It is also effective in Hardpoint Domination. Once you are more skilled at the game, you can use the 40 MM Cannon or the Quad Rocket to deal more damage. The 40 MM Cannon is also a good choice for Last Titan Standing, particularly with 3 round bursts.
  • Build your class according to the type of weapons you use. For example, if you use the 40 MM Cannon, you should go with Burst Fire, while players who use the Accelerator will benefit the most from extended magazines.
  • When it comes to kits, if you plan to let AI control your Titan, Nuclear Ejection is very useful. On the other hand, if you will be controlling the Titan most of the time, Shield Regeneration and Auto Eject will help you quite a bit, especially when you are fighting other Titans.

Pilot Statistics


Pilots move at a base speed of 180.6 units per second, or 7.7 mph. Their sprint takes them to 269.85 units per second, or 11.5 mph, and when they perform continuous wall-runs, their speed can increase to about twice that.

Dropship Escape


When you have won a match and the other side is trying to escape to the dropship during the epilogue, don't waste your time and resources on taking out the fleeing players. Instead, focus your attention on shooting down the dropship.

Titan Statistics


  • The Atlas Titan has 8000 health. Its melee attack deals 1000 points of damage, with an 850 pushback effect. Its base speed stat is 280, and it reaches 420 when it sprints. Its speed is unchanged when it sidesteps, and multiplied by 0.8 when it backpedals. It takes 4.1666 seconds for it to recharge a single dash meter, of which it has two.
  • The Stryder Titan has 5500 health. Its melee attack deals 1125 points of damage, with an 850 pushback effect. Its base speed stat is 300, and it reaches 435 when it sprints. Its speed is unchanged when it sidesteps, and multiplied by 0.8 when it backpedals. It takes 3.3 seconds for it to recharge a single dash meter, of which it has three.
  • The Ogre Titan has 10500 health. Its melee attack deals 1875 points of damage, with a 510 pushback effect. Its base speed stat is 265, and it reaches 400 when it sprints. Its speed is multiplied by 0.85 when it sidesteps, and by 0.6 when it backpedals. It takes 4.545 seconds for it to recharge its single dash meter.

General Hints & Tips


  • Newer players can fight the AI-controlled enemies, Grunts and Spectres, until they are used to the combat.
  • Even once you are good enough to fight other players, there are times when you might still want to focus on the weak AI enemies, as those kills build your Titan gauge.
  • Do not simply avoid combat until your Titan gauge is ready. If your opponents are killing Grunts and Spectres while you wait, their Titans will be ready first.
  • When you eject from a Titan, it will carry you high into the sky. As you fall, try to control your descent to land in a strategic location or on top of an enemy Titan. Additionally, you can eject any time you want to, not just when your Titan is "doomed."
  • With great timing and a little luck, you can crush an enemy with a Titanfall.
  • Although an AI-controlled Titan is not as useful as a player-controlled Titan, you can use one as a turret. Place it in a spot where its fire will distract your opponents from you.
  • Make sure you are near your Titan when you call it. If you are far away, it will have to make it through several fights to reach you.
  • The Stryder is the lightest Titan class. It has low defense, but high speed. Use its jets to dodge attacks and flank your slower opponents. The jets have a cooldown period, so you won't be able to use them constantly. Do not attempt the turret strategy with a Stryder.
  • Equip your Titan according to how you intend to use it. If you're going to fight on-foot Pilots, use Electric Smoke. It will hide you from other players and disorient them when they enter it. If you intend to face off against other Titans, the Vortex Shield will be quite useful, as it allows you to catch enemy fire and send it back at them. However, you can only catch fire coming at you from the front.
  • It is possible to drive your knife into a wall and hang there. While you are hanging, you can shoot enemies with your sidearm. Although you will be vulnerable, this can be very effective for a short amount of time.
  • If you're up against Titans, use your timed cloak ability to hide yourself from view. This is especially useful during wall-runs, huge jumps, or when you are preparing to take down a Titan. However, if enemy players get close to you, they will be able to see the shimmer that marks your presence.
  • Camping is not effective in Titanfall. You want to be constantly moving, especially if you can reach higher ground. In most situations, the higher you are, the bigger an advantage you have.
  • Do not attempt to fire a rifle without aiming.
  • If you need to move about on foot while your Titan is present, you can command it to guard a specific area.
  • When you fight inside your Titan, you will reduce the amount of time it will take to call your next Titan.
  • Your core ability builds up as you deal damage from within your Titan.
  • If an opponent is on top of your Titan, you can either call your teammates for support or climb out of the cockpit and take care of the enemy player yourself.
  • Try to flank opponents whenever you can, while watching your own sides to make sure opponents do not flank you.
  • Choosing a good loadout, or kit, can be your key to success. A good loadout for new players is the Powercell, which recharges your tactical ability faster, the Minion Detector, which displays enemies on your mini-map, and the Smart Pistol, a sidearm that locks on to its target.
  • Burn Cards provide you with additional perks. You can use up to three at a time, and more will become available to you as you play the game.
  • If you are on foot, do not attempt to take on a Titan with full health, unless you are in a good position for a Rodeo Kill, where you jump on top of it, tear off a panel, and shoot it.
  • When a Titan's shields are down, red areas mark weak points you can target.
  • You don't necessarily want to call your Titan right away. If your opponent summons a Titan, bring yours in. If several opponents are standing in a group, try to crush them with a Titanfall. If you want to try a stealthy approach, find an empty area to call your Titan. Call your Titan when it best fits your strategy.
  • If you are fighting Grunts, be aware that your opponents will know your location, as each shot marks you on their mini-map.
  • A red circle on the mini-map means an enemy player is firing there.
  • Multiple Pilots fighting as a group can overwhelm a Titan.
  • You should protect your team's Titans whenever you can.
  • You and your teammates should always be working together. Communication and planning are both key to victory.
  • Play through the game's campaign first, to play against newer players, get used to the gameplay, and unlock the Stryder and Ogre options.
  • Don't always stay in your Titan. Sometimes you'll be much more effective on foot, especially with your Titan acting as extra defense or a distraction.
  • Make sure your team has a variety of Titans on it so you don't all have the same weaknesses.
  • Your Titan's shield will recharge, but its health will not.
  • You can enter your Titan from above for added protection.
  • Choose your loadout according to your strategy and game mode. For example, Cloak is excellent if you need to infiltrate an enemy-controlled location, while Active Radar Pulse is better for defending a point.
  • When you are high enough to look down at your opponents, judge by their movements which ones are Pilots and which ones are bots.
  • When you die, equip some Burn Cards instead of immediately respawning.
  • If you are in a dangerous situation, use your jetpack and wall-run abilities to create new escape routes.
  • It is possible to climb what appears to be a vertical wall, either with good timing or by hammering the jump button.
  • If you are trying to rodeo a Titan, and it suddenly stops moving, that probably means the enemy Pilot is coming out to fight. Either escape or prepare to fight. If the Pilot ejects, aim up, but keep in mind that if they used Auto-Eject, they will already be cloaked.
  • Execution kills can be dangerous, because you are vulnerable during the animation.
  • It's worth your time to kill nearby enemy AI, but you shouldn't waste time trying to hunt them down.
  • Since your Burn Cards only last for the duration of a single life, choose them strategically according to when in the match you are most likely to need them.
  • The best time to rodeo a Titan is when it is distracted by other opponents.
  • If you are on foot being pursued by a Titan, you can drop a shield in a narrow path to stop the Titan from going any further, although it will also block any allied Titans.
  • Whenever possible, hack Spectres to make them your allies. They will provide extra firepower and distractions for your opponents. Hack turrets, as well, but destroy them if your hacking fails.
  • You can have 29 Burn Cards at once, so make good use of them.
  • If you're having trouble figuring out how to use your parkour moves effectively, view the map as if you were using a skateboard, and decide which paths are the best for you. Don't remain on the ground the other time, but make sure you know what you're doing before you start running along a wall, or you will just be a target.
  • Hide amongst AI bots and try to mimic their movements as you approach opponents, to make them believe you're an AI long enough for you to get an advantage.
  • Don't Cloak after your opponent has already seen you.

Hardpoint Domination Hints


  • Hardpoint Domination is a Domination game mode in which you must fight for control over three checkpoints. Stay near the point you are defending, but don't stand right next to it, or you'll be an easy target.
  • Players in Titans should consider moving between points your team is defending. You have a good chance of encountering enemy players, in addition to spreading your firepower to both defenses.

Instant Titanfall Destruction


If you drop a Titan on another Titan, it will instantly destroy the enemy Titan.

Multiplayer Gameplay Tips


Check out this video clip for some nice tips on how to dominate Titanfall multiplayer!

End of Match Bonus


After you win or lose a match, you still need to head to the incoming drop ship to complete one final objective, for which you will earn a good amount of points. You will either need to escape on the ship or attack it and try to bring it out of the sky.

Dropping a Titan on an Enemy


You don't have rely entirely on luck to drop a Titan on someone.

Use your sidearm and aim at the opposing Titan's feet or if overhead at the top of his head.

This is good for short to medium short distances your Titan will only drop a certain distance away from you.

Besides that you don't want to be to far away from your Titan when it drops anyway.

Weapon Statistics


  • If you use the Smart Pistol while standing, its cone of fire has a spread of 0.5 degrees. You can reduce that to 0.25 if you crouch and aim down the sight. It has a unique damage system. It always deals 67 damage against other players, no matter how it is fired. It will always kill Grunts in a single shot, and it always deals 101 damage against Spectres.
  • If you use the Wingman while standing, its cone of fire has a spread of 0.15 degrees. You can reduce that to 0.1 degrees if you crouch. It deals 135-100 damage.
  • If you use the AutoPistol or 2011 pistol, their cone of fire have spreads of 0.2 degrees, regardless of whether you stand or crouch. The AutoPistol deals 38-30 damage, and the 2011 deals 60-45.
  • If you use the DMR while using the sight, its cone of fire spread is 0.05 degrees. You can eliminate the spread entirely if you crouch. It deals 120 damage, which is doubled for headshots.

Pilot Loadout Tips


Here are some tips on how to put together a good Pilot loadout.

  • Primary Weapon: The R-101C Carbine is versatile. While not the most powerful weapon, it can be used effectively at all ranges. The EVA-8 Shotgun is most effective at close range, but it can be used at a slightly longer range, as well. The Smart Pistol MK 5 is best used by new players, because of its lock-on abilities, but it is too slow for advanced combat. The Longbow-DMR and Kraber-AP Snipers are great for snipers, but sniping is more difficult due to Titanfall's fast-paced, movement-heavy combat. The C.A.R. SMG is fine, but may not be as useful as the Carbine in many situations. The Spitfire LMG is a good weapon as long as you learn how to handle it properly to overcome its recoil. The G2A4 Rifle and Hemlok BF-R have no particular advantages over other weapons.
  • Anti-Titan Weapon: The Sidewinder is excellent when you start playing, because it can be quickly fired, unlike the Archer Heavy Rocket, which must lock on to its target first. However, the MAG Launcher and Charge Rifle excel. To use the Charge Rifle most effectively, charge it up while you're still out of the line of fire, and then run out to attack the Titan.
  • Sidearm: The B3 Wingman is the most powerful, but the RE-45 AutoPistol and Hammond P2011 are faster.
  • Tactical Ability: Cloak can be quite effective, especially for Hardpoint Domination mode or if you are facing AI-controlled opponents. Stim is especially good for Capture the Flag. Active Radar Pulse is excellent for Pilot Hunter.
  • Ordnance: Frag Grenades deal out the most damage. The Satchel Charge and Arc Mine are both good choices to defend key points in Hardpoint Domination and Capture the Flag.
  • Tier One Kit: The Power Cell is a good choice for any mode, and it or the Enhanced Parkour Kit is best for Capture the Flag. If you're using the Satchel Charge/Arc Mine in Hardpoint Domination or Capture the Flag, on the other hand, you might want to use the Explosives Pack. Run N Gun is another viable Capture the Flag option. You can use the Quick Reload Kit and Stealth Kit effectively in any mode, but the latter is a great way to protect yourself in Pilot Hunter.
  • Tier Two Kit: The Minion Detector is one of the best for any mode, for any gameplay style. Warpfall Transmitter can also be helpful. If you like to let the AI control your Titan, the Guardian Chip is a great choice for you, and you may want to try it out in Hardpoint Domination. The others aren't especially useful.

The "Basics" Official Video Guide


Overview of Game Modes Official Video


Attrition Hints


  • Attrition is a Deathmatch game mode. You can kill enemy AI characters, but you need to target enemy pilots and Titans as well.
  • Players fighting on the ground should stay in groups.
  • Players in Titans should spread out across the perimeter and use their firepower as efficiently as possible. Make sure you aren't clustered close enough that enemy players could take you all out at once.

Last Titan Standing Hints Guide


  • In Last Titan Standing, you will need to master your use of the Titan's dash command. Save your dash meter for when you need to evade or escape an enemy Titan.
  • Give yourself enough time for your shield to recharge.
  • Make use of cover, using your dash to help you when necessary, especially if you are in danger of being caught in crossfire.
  • Use your Vortex Shield and rockets to deal a lot of damage.
  • Expect your opponent to use a shield, and time your attacks accordingly.
  • When you use the Vortex Shield,it will function for either a set amount of time or until it has absorbed a set amount of damage. When you release it, aim with your crosshairs to send your absorbed fire back at your opponent.
  • If your opponent is using a Vortex Shield against you, wait until you believe they are about to release it and then activate your own. That way, when they shoot your fire back at you, your own shield will absorb it and allow you to shoot it back at them. If you are going to use this strategy, you might consider using your ordnance and lots of ammunition all at once, to destroy their shield and make your counterattack more effective. If, on the other hand, your opponent is using this trick against you raising their shield just as you are about to release yours you can aim your return fire away from your opponent, so that they cannot use it to damage you.
  • Another strategy is known as the "nuke rush," and it is very effective at devastating multiple Titans at once. Use the Nuclear Eject ability, plan out a path to your opponents' spawn point, and have your teammates follow you. Your goal is to get to your opponents as fast as you can and eject while surrounded by them. Your teammates can keep them from fleeing, and also help take care of any who survive your attack. Once you eject, use your cloak ability if possible, and try to land on a nearby enemy Titan. Its shields should be down, so you can deal enough damage to destroy it.
  • A nuke rush on the Angel City map works best if you use the path through the field toward the enemy line, while on the Fracture map, you should make your way through the canyon.
  • If you are fighting Titans, aim for their heads and backplates.
  • If you are playing Fracture using a 40 MM Cannon, position yourself at the far left, where you can volley upward in relative safety. If you are going to fight at the canyon instead, the Quad Rocket with rapid-fire is very effective, especially if you position yourself at the slight alcove to surprise your opponents. Have a teammate help you, in case two enemy Titans attack at once.
  • At Angel City, you can use 40 MM Cannon volleys from the right side of the map, where you can use a low wall as cover. Rockets and the chaingun are not as effective on this map, but will work better near the bridge. If you are a Titan with many Pilots opposing you, fight in the field, where you will have a greater advantage. Due to the way streets connect and intercept, you can use Electric Smoke to escape dangerous situations.
  • In Last Titan Standing, you should remain in your Titan whenever possible. Eject only when it is absolutely necessary.
  • The high buildings in Angel City make it easy for Pilots to rodeo Titans, so avoid Pilots whenever you can. If an enemy Pilot ejects, keep an eye on their trajectory and steer clear. If an opponent is trying to rodeo your Titan, and another Titan is right by you, it is possible to disembark and rodeo that Titan.
  • As a Pilot, you should go into Last Titan Standing with your Cloak tactical ability. Arc grenades are also effective, and the Archer Heavy Rocket is a good anti-Titan weapon to use. You should try to get on top of buildings whenever you can, so that you can rodeo Titans and alert your teammates to enemy positions. Avoid opponents who use Electric Smoke.
  • Choose your Burn Cards carefully. Shock Rocks, Pull Rank, Titan Salvage, Amped anti-Titan weapons, and Reserve Ogre are all useful. Shock Rocks is especially useful if you're planning to use the nuke rush strategy.
  • Use your damage core whenever it is ready.



Icon Title Description Gamerpoints
Best in Class
Finished as the top player on your team once
All charged up
Killed 5 enemies with one Arc Cannon shot
Killed 10 ejecting Pilots
Pull Harder!
Killed an ejecting Pilot with the Plasma Railgun
All The Cards
Earned 500 burn cards
My Robot Army
Hacked 20 Spectres using the Data Knife
Survived an evacuation
I Like A Challenge
Completed all challenges for a single weapon
IMC Pilot
Completed the IMC campaign
Militia Pilot
Completed the Militia campaign
My Generation
Became a second generation Pilot
IMC Elite Pilot
Won every Campaign level as an IMC pilot
Militia Elite Pilot
Won every Campaign level as a Militia pilot
Death From Above
Killed 5 enemies by dropping a titan on them
Build Yourself
Created a custom pilot loadout
Customize Your Ride
Created a custom titan loadout
Halfway There
Reached level 25
Maxed Out
Reached level 50
Flag Runner
Won 50 Capture The Flag matches
I Wore 'Em Down
Won 50 Attrition matches
Pilot Hunter
Won 50 Pilot Hunter matches
Captured Everything
Won 50 Hardpoint matches
I Stand Alone
Won 50 Last Titan Standing matches
I've Seen It All
Played every gameplay mode on every map
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Rodeo-killed a Titan
Like A Vacation
Completed training
Look Around
Snapped the necks of 10 Pilots
All The Hardware
Unlocked everything
Vortex Volley
Caught a projectile shot from a vortex with your own vortex
Frequent Flyer
Played 50 Campaign matches
I Killed Them All
Killed all pilots during the evacuation single-handedly
Wallran for 5 kilometers
Superior In Every Way
Killed 1000 AI soldiers
Called in your Titan 25 times

Guide to Taking Down Titans


  • If you are a Pilot trying to take down a Titan, use your speed to your advantage. Titans are powerful, but they are slower and more awkward.
  • By jumping onto a Titan's back, you can rip off one of its panels and shoot its circuitry to cause a ton of damage. It might take a lot of ammo, but you can kill a Titan this way. Be careful while attempting this if you jump from the front, the Titan can crush you, other opponents might try to shoot you off, the Titan may use its Electric Smoke ability, and its Pilot might climb out and shoot you. If you achieve the kill, however, it is known as a Rodeo Kill.
  • The Archer Heavy Rocket, one of the Anti-Titan weapons, will lock on to the Titan you aim at, so nearly every shot hits its target. Use weapons like this at long range.
  • If you are fighting a Titan from another Titan, consider using the XO-16 Chaingun or the 40 MM Cannon as your Main Weapon. Ordnance, such as the Rocket Salvo, is also very effective. Use both attacks in conjunction, one after the other.
  • When in your Titan, you should make sure to use your Vortex Shield. It blocks enemy fire and sends it back at the enemy. Beware of opposing Titans' Vortex Shields, as well.
  • A melee attack against an enemy Titan is significantly different when the enemy Titan is on the brink of death. You will tear the Pilot out of the Titan and throw them to the side. If the opportunity to use this move arises naturally, take it, but don't risk dying just to get close enough.

Weapons Hints & Tips


  • Lock-On Rockets and Vortex Shield work together excellently as a Ordnance/Ability combination.
  • The Quad Rocket can penetrate a Vortex Shield. You can use them against an enemy Titan until the Titan's shield turns red, and then put up your own shield to absorb fire.
  • Arc Grenades will kill AI in the blast's immediate radius, and they also disrupt Titans' communication systems.
  • If you are close to a group of enemies, the Salvo Rockets are very effective.
  • You and a teammate can work together by having one player act as a shield, while the other fires. The Vortex Shield can be used in this way, as it recharges quickly enough for two players to alternate using it.

Titanfall Bots Guide


The AI-controlled bots are not just there for new players to kill and for experienced players to build up their Titanfall gauge. They have a couple of other uses.

First, the bots have humorous conversations with one another, which players can overhear to lighten the mood.

They also can be advantageous. If you storms a location with bots in the lead, an opponent's reaction to the bots can alert you to their location and style as well as masking your presence, to some degree, since you are right behind the bots.

There are four different types of bots.

  1. Marvins - These characters aren't very dangerous. They add to the atmosphere more than anything else.
  2. Grunts - These are minor opponents, standard foot soldiers you can use to find enemies and to obtain small amounts of assistance from in battle.
  3. Spectres - These are more dangerous, with increased power, speed, and jumping capabilities. They are more similar to Pilots than any other bots are. You can use a Data Knife to hack Spectres and make them your allies.
  4. Titans - The Titans, of course, are the game's icons. You can have your Titan fight independently from you and take down enemies on its own.

Titan Loadouts



  • Primary: Quad Rocket
  • Tactical: Vortex Shield
  • Ordnance: Rocket Salvo
  • Kit 1: Regen Booster
  • Kit 2: Survivor


  • Primary: XO-16 Chaingun
  • Tactical: Vortex Shield
  • Ordnance: Rocket Salvo
  • Kit 1: Regen Booster
  • Kit 2: Auto-Eject


  • Primary: 40mm Cannon
  • Tactical: Vortex Shield
  • Ordnance: Rocket Salvo
  • Kit 1: Nuclear Ejection
  • Kit 2: Survivor

Special Sniper Class


You might consider having a special sniper class you save for the epilogue if you are on the winning team. Right before it begins, die and respawn as a sniper. If you die during the epilogue, you will not be able to respawn.

Loadout Guide - Offense, Defense and Support


With varying loadouts for Pilots and different loadouts and types of Titans, there are many different combinations to choose from. Here are three combinations for a focus on offense, support, or defense.


  • Pilot Loadout: Rifleman
  • Titan: Stryder
  • Titan Loadout: Artillery
  • This combination is focused on dealing lots of damage from a distance, with the speed to evade opponents. The Rifleman has high range and can deliver a lot of damage, while the Stryder is the fastest and most agile although the weakest in terms of physical defense. With its artillery loadout, it can deal a lot of damage with ranged attacks.
  • Use this combination if you want to fight at a distance, relying on your high damage output and speed to win. Avoid it if you want to fight at close range or in dangerous situations.


  • Pilot Loadout: Assassin
  • Titan: Atlas
  • Titan Loadout: Assault
  • This combination falls in the middle, with no particular area it is perfect for, but no particular area it is bad for, either. The Assassin focuses on precise, deadly shots, and the Atlas has moderate physical defenses. The assault loadout deals damage somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
  • Use this combination if you don't want to focus on a particular aspect of battle, or if you want to help out your team with whatever they need at the moment offense, tanking, speed, etc. It is the most variable of the roles.


  • Pilot Loadout: CQB
  • Titan: Ogre
  • Titan Loadout: Tank
  • This combination is focused on taking a lot of damage and still being able to fight back. The CQB is good at close range attacks and parkour moves, while the Ogre has very high defense and strong close range attacks. The tank loadout will allow you to absorb enemy shots and send them back.
  • Use this combination if you want to act as a tank, defend your teammates, and fight at close range. Avoid it if you want to use ranged attacks, deal a lot of damage, or move quickly around the battlefield.

Kits Guide


You can choose from a variety of abilities for your two kit slots, depending on what effects you want in battle. Both Titans and Pilots can equip kits.

  • Fast Autoloader - Your Titan's Ordnance will recharge faster, so that you can use it more often.
  • Auto Eject - You will be ejected and cloaked whenever your Titan enters the "doomed" state.
  • Dead Man's Trigger - If you have placed any explosives, they will explode automatically upon your death.
  • Icepick - This is an enhanced, faster Data Knife, so that you can hack into turrets and Spectres more quickly.
  • Power Cell - This will increase the speed at which your Pilot's Tactical Ability recharges.
  • Guardian Chip - This increases your Titan's automatic aiming skills.
  • Run N Gun Kit - As the name suggests, this allows you to sprint and use certain guns, such as pistols and SMGs, at the same time.
  • Explosives Pack - This increases the amount of Ordnance your Pilot can carry.
  • Quick Reload Kit - This speeds up the reloading for all of your Pilot's weapons.
  • Stealth Kit - This increases your stealth by removing the sound from your footsteps and hiding your jump kit's exhaust almost entirely.
  • Enhanced Parkour Kit - This enhances your parkour abilities by increasing the amount of time you can wallrun and wallhang.
  • Warpfall Transmitter - This speeds up your Titanfall.
  • Dome-Shield Battery - When your Titan appears after Titanfall, it will have use of its Dome-Shield for more time than usual.
  • Minion Detector - Grunts and Spectres on both sides will appear on your minimap.
  • Tactical Reactor - You will be able to use your Titan's Tactical Ability, whether it is Vortex Shield, Electric Smoke, or Particle Wall, more often.
  • Regen Booster - This will speed up the recharge rate of your Titan's body shield.
  • Dash Quickcharger - This will speed up the recharge rate of your Titan's dash ability.
  • Nuclear Ejection - If you eject, your Titan will be destroyed in a nuclear explosion that deals heavy damage to enemies in the area.
  • Big Punch - Melee attacks dealt by your Titan will be more powerful, both in terms of damage dealt and in the distance the opponent is knocked back.
  • Core Extender - This will allow your Titan to use its Core Ability for a longer amount of time.
  • Core Accelerator - This will allow your Titan to use its Core Ability sooner.
  • Survivor - When your Titan enters the "doomed" state, its health depletion will be slowed, to give you more time before you need to eject.

Regeneration - Guide to Generation for Titanfall


To reach Generation 2

  • There are no challenges.

To reach Generation 3

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the EVA-8 Shotgun to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the EVA-8 Shotgun to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the 40mm Cannon to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the 40mm Cannon to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

To reach Generation 4

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the R-97 Compact SMG to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the R-97 Compact SMG to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the Plasma Railgun to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 50, 100
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Plasma Railgun to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
  • No Hitter
  • You must use Satchel Charge to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 15, 30, 50

To reach Generation 5

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the Longbow-DMR Sniper to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 150
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the Longbow-DMR Sniper to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50
  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the Quad Rocket to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Quad Rocket to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
  • Critically Conditioned
  • You must use the Charge Rifle to get X critical hits
  • Tiers: 5, 10, 15, 25, 30
  • Top Gun
  • You must use RE-45 Auto Pistol to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50

To reach Generation 6

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the R-101C Carbine to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the R-201C Carbine to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the Arc Cannon to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Arc Cannon to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Sidewinder to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
  • Gooser
  • Kill a Pilot who is ejecting X time(s)
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

To reach Generation 7

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the Spitfire LMG to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the Spitfire LMG to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the Triple Threat to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Triple Threat to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Mag Launcher to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
  • Brain Surgeon
  • Rodeo Kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 15, 30, 50

To reach Generation 8

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the G2A4 Rifle to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the G2A4 Rifle to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the XO-16 Chaingun to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the XO-16 Chaingun to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Charge Rifle to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
  • Fresh Squeezed
  • As a Stryder Titan, perform X execution kill(s)
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25

To reach Generation 9

  • If It Moves...
  • You must use the C.A.R. SMG to kill X enemies
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the C.A.R. SMG to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • Executioner
  • As an Atlas Titan, perform X execution kill(s)
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
  • Titan Killer
  • You must use the Archer Heavy Rocket to kill X Titans
  • Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
  • All I Do Is Win
  • Win X rounds
  • Tiers: 10, 30, 50, 70, 100
  • Look Out Below!
  • Kill X enemies by dropping your Titan on them
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 15, 30, 50
  • Critically Conditioned
  • Use the 40mm Cannon to get X critical hits
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75

To reach Generation 10

  • Top Gun
  • You must use the Smart Pistol MK5 to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the Hemlok BF-R to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • Top Gun
  • You must use the Kraber-AP Sniper to kill X Pilots
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • Disarmed
  • As an Ogre Titan, perform X execution kill(s)
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
  • MVP
  • Get the highest score on your team X time(s)
  • Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50
  • Deadly Apparition
  • While cloaked, get X kill(s)
  • Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
  • Death Reincarnate
  • Get a kill while you are ejecting X times
  • Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
  • Critically Conditioned
  • You must use the Plasma Railgun to get X critical hits
  • Tiers: 5, 10, 20, 30, 50
  • Critically Conditioned
  • You must use the XO-16 Chaingun to get X critical hits
  • Tiers: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400

Burn Cards Perks and Abilities


Equip up to three burn cards at a time to gain new abilities/perks that will last until you lose your life.

  • Decisive Action - Take 40 seconds off the timer for Build Time or your Titan's Core Charge.
  • Thin the Ranks - If you fight Grunts with this card active, you'll get more XP and shorten your Build Time.
  • Most Wanted List - If you fight Pilots with this card active, you'll get more XP and shorten your Build Time.
  • Amped Sidewinder - With this, you can have twice as much ammo for your Sidewinder weapon.
  • Shock Rocks - Use unlimited Magnetic Arc Grenades.
  • Bottomless Frags - Use unlimited Frag Grenades.
  • Pull Rank - Take 80 seconds off the timer for Build Time.
  • Amped RE-45 - This increases the power of the RE-45 AutoPistol.
  • Amped P2011 - This gives the Hammond P2011 burst fire.
  • Amped Smart Pistol - This increases the power of the Smart Pistol MK5.
  • Amped R97 - This increases the power of the R97 Compact SMG.
  • Amped EVA-8 - This turns the EVA-8 Shotgun into a fully automatic weapon.
  • Amped R-101C - This increases the power of the R-101C Carbine.
  • Amped LMG - This gives the Spitfire LMG rapid-fire.
  • Amped DMR - This gives the Longbow-DMR Sniper a sonar scope.
  • Amped Kraber - This gives the Kraber-AP Sniper explosive rounds.
  • Amped Archer - With this, the Archer Heavy Rocket will fire Titanhammer Missiles.
  • Amped MAG Launcher - This increases the capacity of the MAG Launcher and makes it an automatic weapon.
  • Amped Charge Rifle - With this, your Charge Rifle will charge faster.
  • Active Camo - With this, your Cloak ability will last longer.
  • Ghost Squad - This makes you permanently Cloaked and frees up your Tactical Ability slot.
  • Prosthetic Legs - With this, your Pilot will be faster.
  • Smuggled Stimulant - With this, your Stim ability will last longer.
  • Adrenaline Transfusion - This gives you a permanent Stim ability and frees up your Tactical Ability slot.
  • Spider Sense - This gives you an audio cue if enemies are close by.
  • Packet Sniffer - With this, you will use Audio Radar Pulses at regular intervals.
  • Aural Implant - With this, your Active Radar Pulse will last longer.
  • Echo Vision - This gives you a permanent Active Radar Pulse and frees up your Tactical Ability slot.
  • Satellite Uplink - Every ten seconds, all of your enemies will be marked on the mini-map.
  • Map Hack - This allows you to see the full mini-map.
  • Double Agent - With this, you won't be targeted by any turrets, Grunts, Spectres, or AI-controlled Titans.
  • Conscription - Any allied Grunts near you will fight for you and contribute their kills to your score.
  • Wifi Virus - You will capture any enemy Spectres near you.
  • Massive Payload - This increases the nuclear Titan Eject explosion.
  • Super Charger - With this, your Titan's Core ability is pre-charged.
  • Rematch - With this, you will respawn at the same spot where you died.
  • Spectre Camo - This will make you appear as a Spectre.
  • Outsource - With this, you will earn additional Build Time and Titan Core Charge reductions when you fight.
  • Fast Learner - With this, the XP you earn is doubled.
  • Urban Renewal - If you fight Spectres with this card active, you'll get more XP and shorten your Build Time.
  • Titan Salvage - If you fight Titans with this card active, you'll get more XP and shorten your Build Time.
  • Atlas Refurb - This allows you to call an Atlas Titan.
  • Reserve Ogre - This allows you to call an Ogre Titan.
  • Spare Stryder - This allows you to call a Stryder Titan.

The five booster packs contain the following Burn Cards:

  1. Adrenaline Transfusion x2, Smuggled Stimulant x2, Prosthetic Legs, Amped EVA-8, and Amped Charge Rifle
  2. Ghost Squad x2, Active Camo x2, Rematch, Satellite Uplink, and Personal Alarm System
  3. Map Hack x2, Satellite Uplink x2, Amped Mag Launcher, Amped Archer, and Amped Sidewinder
  4. Echo Vision x2, Aural Implant, Packet Sniffer, Amped DMR, and Personal Alarm System
  5. Atlas Refurb, Reserve Ogre, Spare Stryder, and Spectre Camo x3

Guide to Maps


Each map has its own setting and lore details.

  1. Airbase - At the IMC's Airbase Sierra, repulsor towers guard the base from attacks from the wildlife.
  2. Angel City - A city under martial law, with high walls separating its districts from one another.
  3. Boneyard - Wildlife repulsors were once tested and studied at this facility, though now it is abandoned.
  4. Corporate - The Spectres were created at Applied Robotics labs such as this one.
  5. Colony - This little colony might not even be known, if IMC and Militia forces hadn't clashed there.
  6. Demeter - Before going into the Frontier, IMC forces stop at Demeter's fueling station.
  7. Fracture - Fuel extraction has all but destroyed this once-beautiful colony.
  8. Lagoon - With no other alternative, an IMC lander in the Freeport system has stopped at this fishing village.
  9. Nexus - Militia personnel secretly hide at this farming outpost, or at least, that's what the IMC believes.
  10. Outpost 207 - Orbital defense cannons ensure Outpost 207 is well protected.
  11. Overlook - A prison that currently holds someone the Militia would like very much to save.
  12. Relic - A once-proud IMC ship is now just a wreck to be salvaged for parts that are taken to the nearby valley.
  13. Rise - The Militia's Long-Range Desert Patrol outpost, housed in an abandoned reservoir.
  14. Smuggler's Cove - This black market area is an excellent place for pirates to gather and for mercenaries to purchase weapons.
  15. Training Ground - IMC trainees come here to train, but 98% will never live to tell about it.

Pilot Loadouts



  • Primary: Smart Pistol Mk5
  • Sidearm: RE-45 Autopistol
  • Anti-Titan: Sidewinder AT-SMR
  • Tactical Ability: Cloak
  • Ordnance: Frag Grenade
  • Kit 1: Power Cell
  • Kit 2: Minion Detector


  • Primary: R-101C Carbine
  • Sidearm: Hammond P2011
  • Anti-Titan: Archer Heavy Rocket
  • Tactical Ability: Cloak
  • Ordnance: Frag Grenade
  • Kit 1: Explosives Pack
  • Kit 2: Dome Shield Battery


  • Primary: EVA-8 Shotgun
  • Sidearm: Hammond P2011
  • Anti-Titan: Sidewinder AT-SMR
  • Tactical Ability: Cloak
  • Ordnance: Frag Grenade
  • Kit 1: Enhanced Parkour Kit
  • Kit 2: Dome Shield Battery

Primary Weapons Guide


Pilots can choose from the following primary weapons:

  • R-97 Compact SMG - This compact submachine gun has a high rate of fire and low recoil.
  • G2A4 Rifle - This is a powerful and precise rifle.
  • Spitfire LMG - The light machine gun has initially high recoil, but it excels during long periods of sustained fire.
  • R-101C Carbine - This is a fully automatic weapon.
  • Smart Pistol MK5 - This pistol locks on to close-range targets.
  • Longbow-DMR Sniper - This is a semi-automatic sniper rifle, which allows shots to be fire rapidly.
  • Hemlock BF-R - It fires powerful three-round bursts and has high accuracy and a high rate of fire .
  • Kraber-AP Sniper - This sniper rifle can be difficult to aim at targets in motion, but if it does hit, it will give a one-hit-kill against human (and their AI equivalent) opponents.
  • C.A.R. SMG - This submachine gun has a lower rate of fire and capacity, but it deals greater damage and has high accuracy.
  • EVA-8 Shotgun - This is a semi-automatic shotgun.

Titans can choose from the following primary weapons:

  • 40MM Cannon - This semi-automatic weapon has decent accuracy and fires explosive rounds.
  • X0-16 - This fully automatic ballistic weapon has high precision and is powerful for long range attacks.
  • Plasma Railgun - Zoom in and charge this weapon up through multiple levels of power before you fire a long range, highly accurate charged shot.
  • Arc Cannon - This sends out lightning that spreads across multiple targets. You can charge it to make the attacks more powerful, but you can also fire weaker shots rapidly.
  • Triple Thread - This grenade launcher shoots three grenades with each shot, making it an effective way to clear out close quarters and fight other Titans.
  • Quad Rocket - Its primary mode fires four rockets with each shot, while its secondary mode fires slower rocket rounds.

Tactical Abilities Guide


Pilots can choose from the following tactical abilities:

  • Cloak - This allows you to become temporarily invisible to Titans and AI, although Pilots may still detect you.
  • Stim - When you activate this, your speed and health regeneration will increase temporarily.
  • Active Radar Pulse - When you activate this, you will temporarily be able to spot enemies through walls.

Titans can choose from the following tactical abilities:

  • Electric Smoke - This electrically-charge cloud not only hides you from enemy Pilots and Titans, but it also damages them if they enter it.
  • Vortex Shield - This shield will absorb shots fired at you and then allow you to fire them back.
  • Particle Wall - When you set this up, you will be able to shoot through it, but shots fired from the other side will be blocked until it takes too much damage.

Ordnances Guide


Pilots can choose from the following ordnances:

  • Frag Grenade - This is a standard grenade you can use against groups of enemies, in small areas, or in places out of your line of sight. Its explosion is delayed by a few seconds.
  • Satchel Charge - Set one of these down on any surface and trigger it manually once you are a safe distance away to detonate it and deal explosive damage to anyone in the vicinity.
  • Arc Grenade - This grenade disorients Titans and Pilots in the blast radius by obscuring and damaging their vision.
  • Arc Mine - Set one of these down on any surface and trigger it manually to deal minor damage to and cause visual disorientation in anyone in the vicinity.

Titans can choose from the following ordnances:

  • Rocket Salvo - Use this to send out a cluster of manually-controlled rockets, which are most effective against groups of enemies.
  • Slaved Warheads - Once you fire this, guide it with your reticule until it hits the target.
  • Cluster Missile - When these hit the target, secondary explosive charges will spread out from the point of impact.
  • Multi-Target Missile System - When this is equipped, you must hold the button to aim, target a swathe of enemies, and then release the button to send missiles after your targets.

Pilots' Anit-Titan Weapons & Sidearms


Pilots can choose from the following Anti-Titan weapons:

  • Sidewinder - This fires micro-missiles over a wide area, which makes it effective against large targets, but not very accurate against smaller opponents.
  • Archer Heavy Rocket - Lock onto your target and then fire this homing missile.
  • Charge Rifle - Once this weapon reaches its full charge, you can fire a powerful energy beam.
  • MAG Launcher - This fires magnetic grenades, which will be attracted to Titans and other AI and explode when they hit.

Pilots can choose from the following sidearms:

  • Hammond P2011 - This semi-automatic handgun has good accuracy and is very powerful in close range attacks.
  • RE-45 AutoPistol - This fully automatic .45 caliber pistol is best used at close range.
  • B3 Wingman - This revolver has a low rate of fire, but it has high accuracy and will deal heavy damage at long range.

Easy Levelling Guide


To easily level up in Titanfall, you should maximize your potential to earn XP. When you level up and complete the necessary challenges to move to the next generation, your XP gain will increase, so that should always be a priority.

Last Titan Standing awards the most XP, so play that mode often.

You can get XP for assist kills on a Titan even if you just shoot the Titan once and move on. When it eventually is killed, your contribution will be counted. However, killing opposing Pilots is a prime way to get XP. Many players target the bots for easy kills first, so find the bots' spawn point, use your Cloak ability, and wait in ambush. You also can take out bots, especially if you are in a Titan, for easy XP.

Always make use of Burn Cards. Using Burn Cards gives you extra XP for your kills, some are related specifically to XP gain, and they also give you advantages to make killing enemies easier.

You earn bonus XP for the following:

  • Killing Spree
  • Jump Kick
  • Headshot
  • Executed
  • Dominating
  • Double Kill
  • Killing a Pilot

Titan Loadout Tips


Here are some tips on how to put together a good Titan loadout.

  • Chassis: The Ogre is the most difficult Titan to use because of its slow speed, so play defensively if you play as one. The Stryder, due to its speed, is excellent in Capture the Flag, especially when equipped with the Dash Quickcharger and Core Accelerator. The Atlas is more flexible, and with its moderate speed, health, and power, it can be used against Ogres and Stryders.
  • Primary Weapon: The XO-16 Chaingun is not very useful except to new/unskilled players. The Quad Rockets are effective at close range, in Last Titan Standing, and when used by a Stryder. The Plasma Railgun is best used in a strategy where your allies distract your opponents first so you have time to charge a good shot. The Arc Cannon is excellent against clustered Titans, making it especially effective for Last Titan Standing. The Triple Threat is best used in conjunction with another long-range weapon user to defend a narrow point and to clear areas around the objectives in Hardpoint Domination. The 40mm Cannon is the most versatile weapon, as it is effective at both close and long range.
  • Tactical Ability: The Vortex Shield is incredibly effective as long as your timing is good. Electric Smoke is a good choice for the Stryder Titan, as it will aid your escape if you dash in for quick attacks, and it is also a way to stop Pilots from rodeo killing your Titan. The Particle Wall is most effective in narrow areas and in Last Titan Standing, especially if allies will join you behind it.
  • Ordnance: The Multi-Target Missile System is the most effective ordnance, as it can hit multiple targets, but you can either fire it in bursts or fire all the missiles at once.
  • Tier One Kit: Nuclear Ejection is very dangerous, although it does have its uses in certain strategies. Regen Booster can be helpful. Fast Autoloader is an excellent choice for offensive strategies. Dash Quickcharger is great for Capture the Flag, especially when used by a Stryder. Go with Tactical Reactor if you use your Tactical Ability very often.
  • Tier Two Kit: Auto-Eject isn't useful. Survivor can be helpful, but other options are better. Big Punch is good for melee attackers. Core Extender and Core Accelerator are the most effective, as your core ability is often a game-changer.

Unlockables Guide


  • Level 1 - This is where you start. You have two possible Pilot and Titan loadouts to pick from.
  • Level 2 -This unlocks the Close-Quarters Battle (CQB) loadout.
  • Level 3 -This unlocks the Artillery Titan loadout.
  • Level 4 -This unlocks challenges.
  • Level 5 -This unlocks the ability to customize your Pilot loadouts using the weapons and abilities from the preset loadouts.
  • Level 6 - This unlocks the R-97 Compact SMG.
  • Level 7 - This unlocks the first Burn Card slot and the Arc Grenade.
  • Level 8 - This unlocks the Stim ability.
  • Level 9 - This unlocks the Longbow-DMR Sniper Rifle and the second Burn Card slot.
  • Level 10 -This unlocks the ability to customize your Titan loadouts.
  • Level 11 - This unlocks the third Burn Card slot.
  • Level 12 - This unlocks the Electric Smoke ability.
  • Level 14 - This unlocks the Warpfall Transmitter.
  • Level 15 - This unlocks the ability to create a fourth custom Pilot loadout.
  • Level 16 - This unlocks the Plasma Railgun.
  • Level 17 - This unlocks the Satchel Charge.
  • Level 18 - This unlocks the G2A4 Rifle.
  • Level 19 - This unlocks the Active Radar Pulse ability.
  • Level 20 - This unlocks the ability to create a fourth custom Titan loadout.
  • Level 21 - This unlocks the Arc Cannon.
  • Level 22 - This unlocks the MGL.
  • Level 23 - This unlocks the Core Extender.
  • Level 24 - This unlocks the Cluster Rockets.
  • Level 25 - This unlocks the first pack of Burn Cards.
  • Level 27 - This unlocks the B3 Wingman.
  • Level 28 - This unlocks the Triple Threat.
  • Level 29 - This unlocks the Hemlok BF-R.
  • Level 30 - This unlocks the second pack of Burn Cards and the ability to create a fifth custom Pilot loadout.
  • Level 31 - This unlocks the Arc Mine.
  • Level 32 - This unlocks the Slaved Warheads.
  • Level 33 - This unlocks the Charge Rifle.
  • Level 34 - This unlocks the C.A.R. SMG.
  • Level 35 - This unlocks the ability to create a fifth custom Titan loadout.
  • Level 36 - This unlocks the Run N Gun Kit.
  • Level 37 - This unlocks the Dead Man's Trigger.
  • Level 38 - This unlocks the Dash Quickcharger.
  • Level 39 - This unlocks the Spitfire LMG.
  • Level 40 - This unlocks the third pack of Burn Cards.
  • Level 41 - This unlocks Big Punch.
  • Level 42 - This unlocks Fast Autoloader.
  • Level 43 - This unlocks the "Icepick."
  • Level 44 - This unlocks the Krabr-AP Sniper.
  • Level 45 - This unlocks the fourth pack of Burn Cards.
  • Level 46 - This unlocks the Tactical Reactor.
  • Level 47 - This unlocks the Core Accelerator.
  • Level 48 - This unlocks the Stealth Kit.
  • Level 49 - This unlocks the Guardian Chip.
  • Level 50 - This unlocks the fifth pack of Burn Cards and the ability to move to the next generation if you have completed the necessary challenges.

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