Turn on PS4 remotely with your Vita

Dernière mise à jour: 24 août 2013


Like we’ve said before, tidbits of new information about the Playstation 4 continue to leak out primarily thanks to Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida, of all people.

Yoshida-san is back on Twitter and responding to fan’s questions, with his latest tweets concerning the ability to turn on the PS4 using a PS Vita (yes, you can!) and how Sony has been, and continues to prepare for the launch of the Playstation 4 is November – with Yoshida-san admitting that nothing can be perfect.

He’s right of course, but that doesn’t mean that Sony hasn’t been doing a great job with the Playstation 4. We think they’ve handled everything since the official announcement of the console back at E3 pretty well!