BF4 stats from PS3 will carry over to PS4 – Another release date indicator?

Dernière mise à jour: 14 août 2013


It’s just been revealed on the official Playstation Europe blog that any stats you accumulate on Battlefield 4 for the Playstation 3 will carry over to the PS4 version of the game, should you upgrade.

That’s great news and will be welcome for many BF4 fans. However, the blog post also continues as follows:

That way, on 1st November, you can get in the game without any worries that you’ll have to start ranking up all over again when PlayStation 4 launches. We got your back.

The wording could be construed either way, but on first glance it seems to indicate that the PS4 will be available by November 1. Combine this with our recent post about the Playstation 4 potentially being released on October 21 and it gets you thinking…

All this is very much rumor/up for interpretation at the moment, but as we said, it’s nice to dream! A PS4 arrival that early would be most welcome.