Infamous: Second Son – Different Times of Day, Rumored High Sales

Dernière mise à jour: 16 mars 2014

Infamous time of day

A lot of information has been leaked about Infamous: Second Son over the past couple of days, because some players have managed to get their hands on early copies. However, Sucker Punch has officially asked them not to share any spoilers, including gameplay footage, because of the effort it has put into keeping things a secret. The good news is that there are still plenty of details we can discuss!

Tech Art Lead Jason Connell previously mentioned the lighting effects used in the different times of day in Infamous: Second Son. Today, Sucker Punch released a gif showing a single location at seven different times of day. Connell mentioned eight times of day, which makes us curious about that time that remains unrevealed. Perhaps it contains spoilers?

Check it out and witness all of the beautiful lighting and weather effects.

Infamous time of day animated

Meanwhile, DualShockers revealed some spoiler-free leaked screenshots of actual gameplay, rather than cutscenes. Take a look.

Infamous leaked screenshot

Are you looking forward to Infamous: Second Son? One industry insider believes a ton of people are. According to Pete “FamousMortimer” Dodd, the game’s social metrics are “through the roof.” While we can’t confirm his inside knowledge, he has used the high number of views on last week’s Second Son gameplay trailer as support for his claim. (He also claims EA wishes they brought Titanfall to Sony’s consoles.)

Well, we’ve just got under a week to go before we can hear some real sales figures.